Makeup has always mesmerized me. As a preschooler, every time I saw my aunt, I would dig through her purse looking for her makeup bag. I would look through all of it. I would examine every lipstick and lip gloss in her bag, saying in my hopeful, little girl voice, “lip stuff?” I was obsessed with lip gloss (I still am!) and was happy to wear any shade she shared with me. At the time, I didn’t even know what makeup was. I liked it, I liked how it felt, and it was just fun art for my face. My obsession with makeup grew and it became another form of art for me.
Finding Happiness Pursuing My Passions
I never set out to be anything other than myself. I fell into being a social influencer and entrepreneur by simply following my interests and doing the things I love. Being real, happy, and inspired is what both Frilliance and my YouTube channels are all about because that’s what I am all about.
A Rough Start
There have been some difficulties along the way. School started out fine; it was smooth sailing for me until second grade. I had some learning challenges early on. I could barely read in first grade, but l was young and said to just be a “late reader.” Then second-grade rolls around and I couldn't read at all, so tutors were hired to help me. Nothing worked. Seeking answers, I had my eyes carefully tested and it turns out I am legally blind in my left eye. My school life sucked before glasses.
Problem Solving
Since I had trouble reading, I turned to watching YouTube videos instead of books and magazines for everything including makeup tips and info (I LOVE all things makeup). I started to film my own DIY projects using the web cam on my MacBook. When I was 10 years old, my mom noticed my interest and asked if I wanted to start a YouTube channel as part of my homeschooling.
Going Further
I took to visual media like a fish to water. My curiosity took me further and further as I followed my heart. I wanted to try acting and so, with help from my mom, I got an agent in LA. I’ve since hosted several Disney shows, worked as an actor in television commercials, and I continue to work hard behind the camera in producing and editing my own videos for my YouTube channel (now boasting almost 100+ million views).
Lip Stuff
Teen-Prone Happens
Obviously, I love and have always loved all things makeup and am obsessed with trying new products. I also know what it’s like to have teen skin. When I started breaking out with pimples, I decided to research makeup ingredients to see if that could be the problem. I found that so many products use ingredients that can actually cause acne and pimples or make them worse! Yikes! No teen wants that! Inspired, I started from scratch and formulated my makeup line for what I call “teen-prone” skin, a kinder way to say “acne or pimple-prone skin.” Who likes those words?! Ugh.
I loved creating this line so much. I didn’t settle for just any formulations because I want the best for you! I worked with my lab to create products that work best for teen skin and help you be your most glowing self. Makeup should be easy, affordable, and enjoyable. The first products I created are my favorite makeup products – highlighter, blush, facial mist, and lip gloss. Frilliance gives you a natural, healthy look that puts the emphasis on YOU not your makeup. Creating this brand, these products, and our community is the happy beginning of an important personal journey and I couldn’t be happier or more proud of where I am.
I’m sooo glad you’re here.
p.s. i'd love to chat and learn more about you. join our community here.