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FAQ | PR-Inspired Drops


when do you do your PR-inspired drops?

we have PR-inspired drops on the 7th of each month. 

be sure to have your TYB notifications on so you will know right when the drops happen! they sell out very quickly normally ahhh!

there's other merch & perks available on the Community Perks page during the month as supplies last. :) 


how in the world does the PR-inspired drops work??!!

you can get our PR-inspired monthly drops by earning coins on our TYB community. 

you get coins by completing posts/challenges that are posted on the main pageee of our TYB community :) these coins that you earn can redeem for money/coupon code, that can be spent on our website.  we always try to keep our posts/challenges as interesting as possible 🩷


how to redeem coins to get the drops?

when you’re ready to redeem ur coins click on the coin bag icon on the bottom/middle of your screen in your TYB account

then click on the Frilliance coins

click redeem MAX, then it will generate a coupon code that holds all of your money/coins, it will be sent to your email also! :) (while trying to redeem ur coins it may have you enter in your TYB password) 

you can watch this video here to see how to do this:


how do i use the coins i redeemed on

once you add your drops and products to your cart and proceed to check out, you then paste in ur code (into the gift card or discount code field) & it will take money off or make it free, depending on your totals. 

you can watch this video here to see how to do this:


how do I know when the PR-inspired drops are going to happen?

when the PR-inspired drops are live & ready, we will post an exclusive link to our website. we alwayd do one on the 7th of each month.

typically there is a count down the day of the PR-inspired drops. 🤭


i’m part of your TYB community but I am not getting pr, what did I do wrong?

by completing challenges in the community & interacting in the chats, you earn coins that you can redeem for money/coupon code, that can be spent on our website. you can redeem for PR boxes ekkk each drop is a collaboration with a different brand, or Frilliance products/merch & so much more.


what is in the PR-inspired boxes?

we put a ton of work into our PR drops to make them special each month so excited for you to see all the upcoming dropsss!! 🎀🎀🫶🫶💌💌

each month can vary & we take all your input & feedback for each drop. 

in the past, the drops have been exclusive bedazzled Frilliance products, collabs with trending brands, hair products, and so much more!


is the shipping free on the PR-inspired drops??!

shipping isn’t free BUT… every once in a while we do completelyyy free shipping on our PR-inspired drops & will absolutely let you know when those happen :) depending on where you’re located -- it’s around $4-6 for shipping within the USA. 


how do i know how many coins i will need for the PR-inspired drop?

each drop has a different value, normally it ranges from $4 dollars to $25.

we try to keep everything as affordable as humanlyyy possible!! these PR-inspired drops are typically discounted by 50-75% of a regular price.


what is the value of a TYB coin?

the coin value has slightly fluctuated because of TYB… we are trying to get these fixed asap!!


 am i a Frilliance ambassador if i'm in the community?

YES!!! absolutely our community is way more than just an ambassador program!!

our ambassador, PR list ... is all combined in our community now. 


why does Frilliance ask me tons of questions?

truthfully because we want to get to know you and understand you -- your opinions are so valued by us!!

Frilliance would not be Frilliance without our community & you specifically!! we are asking questions so we can improve on everything we do for you.

we appreciate your honesty more than you know!!


can I combine coupons on

unfortunately, combining coupons is not allowed. 


do you ship internationally? 

yes, we do, but it is really expensive. we do not charge anything extra for shipping!! all shipping carriers are quite expensive now, unfortunately. :/

you can look here to find the countries we ship to: shipping info


why can't I get the Pimple Patch PR Box to ship to my country? 

the Pimple Patch PR Box only ships to USA, UK, & Canada. shipping internationally is quite expensive for this small package.